Sunday, February 19, 2006

Iran a Nuclear Threat?

Iran and Nuclear Power.
There is a lot of fear that Iran is developing nuclear capabilities to attack Israel.
This may be partly true. So you should ask why Iran would want to do such a thing. Because if Iran did attack the retaliation from Israel and allies such as the United States and the United Kingdom would be there demise. Maybe the reason would be this. If Iran had the ability to strike with a nuclear weapon it would be hard if not impossible to invade or attack Iran.
Isn’t that why the US and Israel rationalizes having weapons of mass destructions themselves as a defense against an attack? And isn’t it to stabilize peace by detouring any invasion of a foreign army?
It’s no secret that George Bush wants to occupy Iran with a strong
military presents ,and it’s very obvious that this idea is supported by Israel and will also be supported by Tony Blair of the UK.
There is a propaganda war going on with the spread of fear and hatred this war is being lead by lies put into our news media. Who runs this media? The dominant name on this list is
Rupert Murdock an Australian newsman worth billions of dollars he owns and controls over ¾ of the news agencies around the world. Including the Twentieth Century Fox movie studio, Fox News Channel, TV stations and a number newspapers and the HarperCollins book publisher, Being a Zionist his news network will generally give a very favorable view of Israel and a negative view of the Islamic world, often provoking hatred toward Muslims. For example the coverage of the protest going on over the Mohamed cartoons it is not as wide spread as the news makes it seem, and there seems to be an outside influence in sighting the riots. This is a very minuscule part of the whole Muslim population.
Now wait a minute. Now lets not forget about the Zionist best friend and partner in crime the
Christian Coalition of America Headed by Pat Robertson. Pat has a lot of bigoted ideas of the world and is a strong contributor to the Republican Party and has a lot of influences over the Neocons who are in power of the United States, you know the ones with the most powerful army with the most nuclear weapons of mass destruction ever seen in the history of the world. This is why Iraq looks like a threat its made to look like a society of violence crazed lunatics bent on destroying the free world because they don’t like our freedom bla bla bla.
This is the message coming over the mainstream news network. Who are the Neocons? Historically, neoconservatives supported a militant
anticommunism, tolerated more social welfare spending than was sometimes acceptable to libertarians and mainstream conservatives, and sympathized with a non-traditional foreign policy agenda that was less deferential to traditional conceptions of diplomacy and international law and less inclined to compromise principles even if that meant unilateral action. Indeed, domestic policy does not define neoconservatism — it is a movement founded on, and perpetuated by an aggressive approach to foreign policy, free trade, opposition to communism during the Cold War, support for Israel and Taiwan and opposition to Middle Eastern and other states that are perceived to aledgedly support terrorism.Broadly sympathetic to Woodrow Wilson's idealistic goals to spread American ideals of government, economics, and culture abroad, they grew to reject his reliance on international organizations and treaties to accomplish these objectives.Compared to other U.S. conservatives, neoconservatives may be characterized by an aggressive moralist stance on foreign policy, a lesser social conservatism, and a much weaker dedication to a policy of minimal government.
So you ask who should we fear?
The following are links to information about the Bush Crime family, theBush cabinet appointees and the corporations, think tanks andfoundations that are behind the GW Bush administration.
Click here
The greatest threat coming from Iran is our invasion of Iran.
Have a good evening and don’t forget to visit
News Links News I’m Ronnie LoBello

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Freedom of Speech Cartoons and Insults

There is a lot of brouhaha in the news today about a cartoon that was published in some of the newspapers around Denmark a few months ago. It’s the publication of caricatures of the Muslim prophet Muhammad. This is what the Palestinian and many Islamic people are protesting about lately. This protest is hurting the Danish export business by having a boycott on all Danish products in the Islamic states. The issue was made worse by a basic misunderstanding on the part of the protesters. Arab nations demanded an apology from the Danish government and also asked Copenhagen to punish the authors of the drawings. However, neither act is possible for a western democracy. I’m a true believer in reporting the news as accurately as possible and that should never be censored. But when when your making fun of somebody even in good humor you should back off if your upsetting the people your making fun of. Because now they are being insulted and this is how many fights began. I personally believe that they are over reacting and behaving very immature. However we must be mature about this and more responsible and have a little sensitivity. Insults are not necessary. On the other hand Islam must lighten up a bit. Its just a cartoon. There are far more important issues to focus on. And Denmark should grow up and stop insulting and antagonizing its world neighbors. It dose not accomplish anything.
By the way,I have not seen these cartoons for myself and would surly like to. If you know where I could see them I would be grateful. Please send links or attachments to
"Have a good day I'm Ronnie LoBello"