I like my privacy thank you; I’ve heard all the hype about how implanted RFID chips can save your life by making your medical records available to who ever need to know. If I had a life threatening health problem that an emergency doctor should know about, I would carry a card with that information and who to contact. In fact you should carry a card with emergency information anyway. The problem with chipping people is that they can be used in many different ways and be read from a distance without you being aware of it. This means your identity is read by virtually anyone with a scanner without your consent. Marketing companies to target sales advertisement at you, and to keep tract of every thing you buy can use this information, and everywhere you go, and what time you go there. The future is very unstable. The danger of fascism is always looming. America has enjoyed many years of freedom, but is now being threatened by The New World Order, a world I do not want to be part of. With every one chipped it would be easy for the government to heard us and separate us and put us in our categories such as religion race gender and so on. Warning every thing is done in increments and usually is not noticed the first steps have already been taken. Putting your picture on your driver’s license was the first step.
This doesn’t seem like a bad idea it was done with a Polaroid picture, and makes it hard to use your driver’s license unless they look like you. But later in the late 1980’s the driver’s license have been nationalized. This means drivers license in every state are uniform and share the same digital database, and your picture is now digitally stored in that database accessible with the scanner bar code on the back of your license by any law enforcement officer with a computer. And they all have them in every patrol car. President Bush signed a bill as part of the Patriot Act, starting in 2008 drivers license will have a RFID chip in it so you can be scanned without you being aware this is the step before implanting a chip in your arm. The technology is expanding at an alarming rate and the chip will be able to read from a passing patrol car and processed in the onboard computer checking your criminal record including parking violations there fore they will be able to come into your house and arrest you because the Patriot Act allows search and seizure without a search warrant. And someday will be able to do more than reading basic information, it may someday be used in mind control. This is not just science fiction or ramblings of paranoid tin hat wearing kook. The New World Order is real and was announced to the world by George H. W. Bush Sr. in his speech. I know this all sounds scary, it frightens me to no end. But I don’t believe it has to be this way, no matter how powerful these people are the common people out number them and we educate ourselves pay close attention and vote intelligently, join watch dog groups and challenge our political leaders to be honest or impeach them. We the people can do it.