Thursday, March 24, 2005

Big Brother

Know Your Enemy
If you have ever read George Orwell’s 1984, your all ready aware of the Big Brother is watching you concept. George Orwell was pretty accurate considering the time he wrote the story in 1949 the World Wide Web was not in existence yet. But television was new and becoming very popular at the time. Television was the cutting edge of communication technology. Computers and the Internet have not even been thought of yet. Years later the home computer has become the way Big Brother watches us by keeping records of every thing you click on to and all that you send out this is not only stored on your computer but on the many servers you use every day with E-mail accounts and what ever you interact with this only part of the way you are watched .If you have credit cards there is a records of every thing you use it for. When ever you go any ware you will be recorded on the many cameras all around your town such as the Quickie Mart or super market or malls, and now traffic cams are becoming commonly used at many intersections and if you ride on public transportation your picture is taken every few seconds. Dose this make you paranoid? It’s generally not the government who is watching you but marketing gurus working for large corporations such as J.P.Morgan
Seral Drugs, General Motors, American Express, Dupont, A.C.Nielson, Fox Communications Visa, Master Card, the list can go on and on. This is a small part of the real Big Brother
Television still plays a large part of the control imposed on us all. If you ever notice that the network news hardly ever covers the news about the war in Iraq like it’s not very important even though over 1500 of Americas finest young men where sent to slaughter thousands of Iraq citizens are killed in a war for profit wile the news covers Terry Schiavo who got a lot of attention from congress and Mr. Bush acting like he has moral concern for humanity by trying to keep this poor terminally sick woman alive. Why? I don’t know, I say let her go we all must die someday, Mean wile terrorism is growing and spreading like wild fire. The major networks are avoiding the real issues and feeding the public tabloid style news. The average American knows more about sports, TV and movie celebrities than the members of Congress. This is not an accident the Republican Party wants it that way. This is how they can get away with all the bad bills and legislature that gets passed. It’s not just conspiracy theories. Just look around, where have all the hi tech manufacturing gone? What’s happening to welfare program that help the poor and disadvantaged? Thayer passing a bill preventing people from making class action law suits so the large corporations can avoid responsibly when people are injured or killed by defective products. The minimum wage is going to stay the same substandard rate at $5.15 per hour and the breaking of organized labor unions, privatization of public drinking water. Profits are made by corporations from the war in Iraq. When the war is covered by the media they usually make it seem like everything’s going well. While politicians spew their pro-life crap. Television plays a large part in the propaganda, because it is also owned by large corporations and are supported by other corporations or Big Brother. Poverty is growing in an alarming rate with unemployment and under employment. But that’s OK as long as the baseball season starts on time to take Americas mind off these awful things going on. America is being sold off and nobody seem alarmed network news is keeping Americans sedated.
It's Not Hopeless!
There are alterative news sources and I’m not talking about the crazy ultra far left web sites that can find conspiracies in everything but the more established and reliable Internet news sources such as Democracy, Washington,
What Really, American and Bush
Democracy Now has streaming video. And a first rate news broadcast. It works on Real Player
I recommend it highly, they are real journalist looking for the truth and are not owned by the corporations.

And I’m Ronnie LoBello

War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking in the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent. George Orwell 1984

To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle. George Orwell

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  • Friday, March 11, 2005

    Privatizing Social Security

    By Ronnie LoBello March 11,2005
    Think about it.
    Privatizing Social Security
    Who would this be good for?
    Will it be good for the worker who always worked for a substandard wage all his or her life? Or will it be good for the middle class citizen, who may have a nest egg put aside,
    Like a property or stocks?
    Or will it be good for the rich. This would be people with an annual income of more than a million dollars per year?
    Would you trust a man who has lied to the American people time and time again?
    Would you trust someone who has had business ties with the Enron corp.?

    Tell your Congress Person what you think’
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