Friday, June 30, 2006

This is Genocide

Report from Associated Press
War Crime:
As Israel surrounds Gaza with troops, tanks lined up and helicopter gunships on standby, ready for an 'extensive operation',
Their supporters call for a massacre of the Palestinian people - "Knock them off one by one until they relent" as one puts it on the BBC News comments pages. The world can see how strong Israel is with their hardcore military weaponry gleaming in the heat waiting to be put into action. The catalogue of weapons at their disposal is impressive, and chilling: fighter aircraft, missiles: air-to-surface, surface-to-surface..., tanks, armoured vehicles, artillery, attack helicopters, submarines and missile craft (we've already seen what they can do to a Palestinian family on a Gaza beach) - and we mustn't forget the nuclear warheads, biological and chemical weapons & atom bombs.
While the media focus on Olmert's words warning that "a large-scale military operation is approaching", With no comment about what the consequences of such action will be for the Palestinian people, And as they relate the concern for the Israeli soldier being held prisoner by Palestinian fighters - the media expresses no concern about the thousands of Palestinian political prisoners held by Israel. The actions of the racist Israeli state and that of their supporters, which includes the BBC, illustrate their total disregard and contempt for Palestinian lives. Rabbi Moshe Levinger, the worst kind of Zionist extremist, founder of the settlements in Hebron, could be the spokesperson for Olmert, Bush, the BBC and our very own government and great leader Tony Blair when, in response to a question about the massacre of Palestinians carried out by one of his followers in Hebron 1994, He says he is "sorry not only about dead Arabs but also about dead flies". It is nothing new that Israel prefers the word 'operation' to massacre as a poll carried out by Israeli TV showed following the massacre of Palestinians in 1994. The poll "established that at least 50% of Israeli Jews would approve of the massacre, provided that it was not referred to as a massacre but rather a 'Patriach's Cave Operation'".
In Hebron today there is a monument to the mass murderer 'Saint Baruch Goldstein'. Whether carried out by a far right extremist settler or by the Israeli government, massacre of Palestinians seems to be acceptable through the eyes of the media and by the 'British values' our government wishes us all to adopt.Our media will not speak of Palestinians and certainly not about the men, women and children being held as political prisoners by Israel, they will not speak about the humiliation, continued dispossession and ethnic cleansing carried out by Israel on a daily basis against Palestinians, never mind the torture of Palestinian prisoners - no matter that they include women and children.
Contact the Bureau Chief's of BBC and CNN in Palestine to tell them to cover what is going on right now in Gaza as fully as possible, so that the millions of people they reach see the ongoing violence of Israeli missile strikes.
Demand also that they break their silence on the story of thousands of Palestinians detained and tortured by Israel. Watch Movie1 Movie 2
CNN Bureau Chief Thomas +972 (0)2 500 9500

BBC Bureau Chief Simon +972 (0)2 537 4199